March- Oh the Places You’ll go! PGFPD will be participating at the local schools in Platteville and Gilcrest for National Read Across America Day. Firefighters will go to schools and read Dr. Seuss’ books to the children.
May- Honor Flight. PGFPD sends a truck to Frederick-Firestone Fire Station 2 to honor the veterans who go to Washington D.C.
August - Harvest Daze. PGFPD is involved in the town festival. Including the parade, horseshoe tournament and information booth. To end the night, help with fireworks.
September - Labor Day Weekend - PGFPD participates in the MDA Fill the Boot campaign to raise awareness for muscular dystrophy.
September 11- Numerous members participate in various 9/11 Memorial Stair Climbs
October - Fire Prevention Week. PGFPD goes to the local schools to teach about fire prevention. We also have preschoolers and kindergarteners visit the firehouse for tours and information about fire safety.
October - Annual Spaghetti Dinner. PGFPD hosts our annual spaghetti dinner to cap off Fire Prevention Week.
December - In conjunction with the local VFW, PGFPD hosts Santa Claus. A fire engine takes Santa around the town then all the children may ask Santa what they want for Christmas with activities and some snacks.